Content creation to improve SEO: stop paying Google so much!

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Content creation to improve SEO: stop paying Google so much!

Are you currently spending your marketing budget on Google Adwords campaign investments to raise your online visibility? We’re here to tell that you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket. No, rather, you want to diversify and use content creation to improve SEO. SEO (search engine optimisation) is key to your search rankings. You’ll see quality, consistent results and better use of precious dollars/euros.

Google Adwords: the perfect way to quickly get traffic… at first!

Launching a new business venture? Your first priority should be building your initial customer base with first clients. And for this part, Google Adwords will be your best friend! As we explain in our article on this subject, by creating an Adwords campaign and optimizing correctly the parameters, you can have a return on investment fairly quickly. A goal worth achieving!

It is essential to monitor your campaigns on a daily basis in order to check that the keywords are relevant and that you pay for the right ones. Effectiveness is important. However,  a major problem will arise sooner or later if not watched. Don’t run the risk of becoming too reliant on Google Adwords alone – diversify!

To be well ranked on search engines, it is very important in order not to rely on getting only paying traffic on your website. We will explain how and give you the keys to successfully improving your SEO.

» READ ABOUT – Digital content creation for tourism companies and hotel industry

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Over a second phase: invest in a strategy of content creation to improve SEO

Work on your ranking is called SEO: search engine optimisation. The key to optimizing SEO is publishing more content pages regularly on your website. That’s because the website is ranked on each individual page, not the website itself. 

Each page must be optimised for SEO with different rules to adopt: using tag title H1, H2, selecting the most relevant keywords, cleverly dividing up the text into paragraphs in order to make it more pleasant to read. In the meantime, content creation to improve SEO is essential. Create new pages on your website to improve your ranking and then create a blog category in order to generate even more traffic on your website! You will have to do it with rigour and precision if you’re to compete and win customers. It is also important to create an editorial schedule in order to list your ideas, write your articles and then publish them! Let Booster2Success take care of your marketing needs today!


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Our expertise in web content creation

If you do not have any experience in content creation to improve SEO,we suggest that you ask professionals to do it. Digital marketing consumes precious time, but it’s well worth it and if you’re set on getting the results you’re after. Booster2Success gives you back that time. 

Tourism companies Kayak and Momondo asked Booster2Success to create content for their SEO for their specific websites. Using “dynamic” text content, the keywords and text were automatically created by an algorithm to give dynamic information to travelers, but were not really matching the search engines’ quality criteria. Static content, created for the internet user with a real strategy and respecting SEO rules, helped them to gain positions on search engines, creating improved ranking results. 

Veronique A., Organic Performance Manager at Kayak and Momondo testify of the quality of our services:

“We asked Booster 2 Success to help us with large scale content production for our travel metasearch MOMONDO. We trusted their expertise in the travel industry and we are very satisfied with the quality of the texts. The team is well-organized and delivers quickly, the briefing and communication went smoothly.”

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Gaining position ranking on search engines with a strategy of content creation to improve SEO takes an investment in time (in general the first results are visible from 3 to 6 months after the start). Depending on the frequency needs of your postings, your website years of existence, and your current e-reputation all play into the results. But, the investment is worth it and you’ll see really positive effects and more sales

In addition to our marketing consulting services, we offer a cluster of activity related to events through the organisation of playful team building activities in Paris. Focusing on foreign companies, Booster2Success created a strategy of content creation in English. The resulting climb in rank position for our website moved us up to the first position on Google in response to the search “team building activities in Paris” with just one of our articles (source: G-force website). Let Booster2Success create your climb up the rankings. 

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Content creation to improve SEO takes time but can be a really profitable strategy if done right. The prospects will naturally come to you by rankings, but never forget the human contact! Indeed, your sales representatives will remain the last step to sell your products/services and build customer loyalty over time… but that’s another topic!

Photo credit: Booster2Success

Booster2Success guides you in every step to set up your digital marketing strategy.

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