Corporate scavenger hunt: our selection of team building activities in Paris

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Corporate scavenger hunt: our selection of team building activities in Paris

Looking to motivate your employees and strengthen team cohesion within your company? Organise a team building activity with Booster2Success! We have created the best corporate scavenger hunt in the heart of Paris. What better way to build relationships between colleagues and discover the most beautiful secrets of the capital?

Paris 1st arrondissement: scavenger hunt in the Louvre

Welcome to one of the most monumental, magnificent and majestic museums in the world! Booster2Success offers you an unforgettable journey through the centuries while admiring world class works of art and solving riddles. Divided into several teams during this fun team building, go and find the most beautiful collections of the Louvre and win the final challenge! You don’t need to have any artistic or historical knowledge to participate in this activity.

One of our most popular training opportunities, just be observant, deductive and thoughtful to gain the competitive edge. And above all, be a team player! It’s the laughter and communication skills that will resonate afterwards. This corporate treasure hunt lasts about 2 hours and is suitable for small groups (~10 participants) as well as for larger groups (up to 120 participants). It takes place inside the museum only.

» READ ABOUT – Adult scavenger hunt in Paris and around for companies

Louvre Treasure hunt for a coporate scavenger hunt

Paris 2nd arrondissement: team building treasure hunt in the Covered Passages

Set out to conquer 19th century Paris by exploring the French capital’s famous covered passages in an epic and unique treasure hunt! You will be divided into teams and provided with a guidebook to help you on your visit. Solve the riddles and win the challenges in these galleries!

You don’t need to know anything about French history to win. Only introspection and communication will allow you to overcome the Booster2Success challenges! This professional treasure hunt lasts about 2 hours. The number of participants can range from 8 to 100.

Covered Passages adult treasure hunt

Paris 4th and 6th district: Marais treasure hunt | the Islands of Notre Dame team building

Head for the trendiest districts in Paris and join us for an afternoon of fun! Discover the secrets of the Marais district through an original treasure hunt! This is actually one of the oldest districts in Paris. Formerly a marshy area, it was drained around the 9th century and is now home to many communities. Booster2Success invites you to explore its atypical streets and secret gardens. Challenge your colleagues as a team and win a series of events in order to achieve victory! Plan a timing of around 2 hours for an activity available for a group of 8 to 50 people.

Patrol the Notre Dame district, divided into teams, on a cultural treasure hunt! We suggest you visit the Parisian islands, the hidden gardens, and the Latin Quarter that adorn the famous cathedral. Take on challenges and solve riddles while showing your team spirit! Go in search of the final location before the time runs out to claim victory! The activity lasts about 2 hours and can accept up to 60 participants.

Marais treasure hunt dancing session

Paris 7th district: treasure hunt team building at the Orsay museum

Immerse yourself in the Paris of the Belle Époque during a fun and unique treasure hunt in the Orsay museum! This activity allows you to discover the artists of this period, from the most famous to the least known, and their works of art. Divided into teams, you will have to solve riddles and pass tests in order to find the Musee d’Orsay’s mystery work.

You don’t need to know anything about art to win. Just be curious, listen to your teammates and be discerning. This team building treasure hunt is suitable for groups of different sizes, from 8 to 80 people, and lasts about 2 hours.

Orsay museum Corporate scavenger hunt

Paris 11th arrondissement: corporate scavenger hunt in the canal Saint-Martin district

Come and discover the Canal Saint-Martin with your colleagues during an atypical and touristic treasure hunt! It is one of the most trendy places in Paris because of its authentic and romantic character. That’s why Booster2Success invites you to discover the secrets of the famous canal through unusual tests and challenges!

You will have to show autonomy, initiative, observation and organisation in order to win the game. And above all, think of team building! The team building lasts about 2 hours and accepts a group of 8 to 60 people.

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Professional treasure hunt in the Canal Saint Martin district

Green treasure hunt in Ile-de-France: exploring the medieval town of Senlis

Welcome to Senlis, a charming medieval city with a sumptuous architectural and cultural heritage! Booster2Success promises you an unforgettable treasure hunt in the heart of Gallo-Roman remains, medieval ramparts and gothic foundations. Criss-cross the small cobbled streets, contemplate the Notre-Dame cathedral and discover the mysteries of the city through various puzzles and challenges!

Take advantage of this treasure hunt to renew ties with colleagues and strengthen team cohesion. Work together and enjoy the beauty of the place! This corporate treasure hunt lasts about 2 hours and is suitable for groups of 20 to 60 people.

team building treasure hunt in Senlis medieval city

Team building activities are ideal to really get to know your colleagues, create collective harmony and maintain team cohesion. So don’t wait any longer! Offer your colleagues a convivial moment via an instructive and entertaining visit to Paris and its surroundings.

Photo credit: Booster2Success

Booster2Success organise events in Paris for your company.

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